In Oak Ridge Schools, we recognize that communication plays a key role in creating and fostering strong, positive relationships between our schools and families. Communication is a two-way street, and as such, we intend to create a reciprocal, respectful environment. The purpose of this page is to offer a standard format for ongoing shared communications. Because communication can take place in a variety of forums, the message and purpose of the communication will often determine appropriate actions.

Recommendations for Successful Communications

When detailed and sensitive issues arise, it is important to have a direct, face-to-face communication, telephone conversations, or hard copy, written communications. When the communication requires ongoing dialogue, such as bringing forward a question or concern or when a discussion is required on a topic, the preferred channels of communication are ones that allow for an immediate and ongoing interaction between the people immediately involved in the situation. This type of communication allows us to establish a personal connection, building desirable relationships.

Please follow the recommended protocols listed below and allow for first contact to resolve the issue when possible. Tone is difficult to read in an email, and sometimes even on the phone. When engaging in two-way home to school communications, carefully separate fact from opinion and confirm information received through others before considering it factual. Recognize that flexibility and collaboration are essential to effective problem resolution.

Home to School

Family Communications to the Schools and District

When family members have concerns about school issues, they should be addressed in a timely manner, working directly with the staff person(s) involved, using the following steps:

  1. Begin with the classroom teacher. If the issue is not resolved,
  2. Continue the communication with the school assistant principal, and then school principal.

Most concerns can be addressed at the school level when school staff and administrators engage in open and collaborative discussion with family members. If the issue is still not resolved at the school level,

  1. Discuss the situation with an appropriate central office administrator.

Any level of the above discussions may be initiated by telephone or email, but may evolve into a face-to-face meeting, which allows for the best and most collaborative discussion to take place.

It is important to be respectful in all forms of communication, regardless of selected channel used or the people involved. Everyone has the right to be treated with respect, whether it’s in a face-to-face meeting, in a telephone conversation, or through email.

Whether the response is needed from the home to the school, school to the home, or among schools and/or departments, a timely response is merited. Oak Ridge Schools Administrative Procedure 5.611 states the following:  At a minimum staff is expected to respond to emails or phone messages within 48 hours or two business days.

Guide for Whom to Contact

The Oak Ridge School district administration, faculty, and staff are eager to accommodate your needs, questions, and concerns in the most efficient manner. Please use the following guide to help you determine appropriate contacts:

Classroom Teacher

  • Student issues
  • Scheduling a conference
  • Questions about student grades or behavior
  • Questions about specific activities related to the classroom
  • Curriculum specific to the classroom

School Front Office Personnel

  • School-wide events
  • Attendance
  • Calendar

School Assistant Principal

  • School programs, policies, and procedures
  • Unresolved issues after teacher contact
  • Security or safety related to school or student
  • Feedback and/or suggestions about school-wide issues

School Principal

  • Unresolved issues after assistant principal contact

School Administration Building (SAB)

  • Unresolved school-level issues
  • District-wide programs, policies, and procedures
  • Curriculum
  • Facilities
  • Budgets

Thank you for your desire to communicate with us. Directories for contacts at each of our schools and central office can be found on our various school web pages at: