Dr. Larrissa Henderson is the Director of Pupil Services for Oak Ridge Schools. Dr.Henderson has over forty years of experience in the areas of education, as a teacher, an administrator and Central Office director. She also has numerous graduate hours in special education and is a PAL Administrator. Dr. Henderson is active in numerous community and professional organizations.
Director of Pupil Services
Dr. Larrissa Henderson
Email: lhenderson@ortn.edu
304 New York Ave
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830
Administrative Assistant
Krystal Hawkins
Email: khawkins@ortn.edu
Address: 304 New York Ave Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830
Telephone: 865-425-9009
Fax: 865-425-9061
The Oak Ridge Schools Pupil Services Department gives service to students in the following areas within and outside of the regular curriculum. Within the regular curriculum, the Pupil Services Department implements homebound services, home-schooling, tuition applications, cross-boundary requests, residency/custody/guardianship issues, school entry compliance, health screenings, cumulative records, report cards, enrollment forms and attendance requirements.
Outside of the regular curriculum, the diverse needs of students are met through this department in the areas of school nurses, Adult High School, the Alternative Program known as the Secret City Academy, English as a Second Language, and appeals to the Discipline Hearing Authority.
The staff listed above work out of the Pupil Services Department in the School Administration Building at 304 New York Avenue with the exception of the 5th – 12th grade Secret City Academy Alternative Program and Adult High School which are housed on the campus of Oak Ridge High School.
TITLE IX COORDINATOR – The Director of Pupil Services serves as the Title IX Coordinator for the students in the Oak Ridge School district. The Title XI Coordinator shall respond promptly to all general reports as well as formal complaints of sexual harassment. He/she shall be kept informed by school-level personnel of all investigations and shall provide input on an ongoing basis as appropriate.
Any individual may contact the Title IX Coordinator at any time using the information below:
Director of Pupil Services (students)
304 New York Ave., Oak Ridge, TN 37830
(865) 425-9026
School Nurses – School Nurse services are available to provide consultative services and to assist pupils with special health problems. In addition, the school nurses coordinate the school health screening programs and serve as a resource for the school system. There are seven nurses and a health services coordinator serving students at eight (8) Oak Ridge school sites.
English for Speakers of Other Languages – Limited English proficient students whose native or dominant language is not English are provided English instruction by certified ESL staff. There are five certified ESL teachers for our ESL staff. There is one part-time translator for the district.
Homebound Teacher – The homebound teacher provides home instruction services in all curricular areas for pupils in grades 1 through 12 who are unable to attend regular classes. In order for a student to be served in this program, it is necessary for the certifying specialist to state that the student will be absent from school for more than two consecutive weeks due to health issues. The development of each homebound pupil’s instructional program is a cooperative effort of the homebound teacher and the pupil’s regular teacher(s). This helps assure a smooth transition for the student when he or she returns to the regular school setting. Three hours of services per week are offered through this program.
Attendance Coordinator – The attendance coordinator is responsible for supervising the attendance procedures throughout the system. The attendance coordinator handles the placement of tuition students, enforces residency requirements, and tracks home school/private school students. In enforcing school attendance the coordinator may meet with students and parents, make home visits, and is authorized to take appropriate action on attendance problems which may result in court action. The Oak Ridge Schools have put into place new steps regarding truancy reporting. That information can be found under the Resource tab for attendance.
Alternative Education (grades 5 – 12) – Alternative Education classes, Secret City Academy, are provided for students who have a variety of problems which prevent them from attending the regular school