Welcome to Oak Ridge High School Counseling!
Telephone: 865-425-9607
Fax: 865-425-9526
Address: 1450 Oak Ridge Turnpike Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Office Hours: M-F 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Counseling Staff
Counselor caseloads are distributed via grade level. If you have questions or concerns, please be sure to email your assigned counselor. Please see caseload distribution and counselor contact information below:
Class of 2024 – Ms. Foster hafoster@ortn.edu
Class of 2025 – Ms. Bennewitz abennewitz@ortn.edu
Class of 2026 – Ms. Taylor hptaylor@ortn.edu
Class of 2027 – Ms. Ottinger bottinger@ortn.edu
Alison King, School Social Worker, aking@ortn.edu
Rhonda Garrison, Registrar, rsgarrison@ortn.edu
Amy O’Rourke, Administrative Assistant, akorourke@ortn.edu
Counselors are in the office from 7:45 a.m. – 3:15 p.m. Students are encouraged to stop by before school, during the lunch break, or after school to make an appointment. Parents may call or email at anytime to schedule an appointment with their student’s counselor.

New Student Registration
The first step in our registration process is fill out the online form found on the Oak Ridge High School website. On the main page of the ORHS website you will click “Enroll Now”, complete the online form and submit the additional required documents. Ms. Garrison, our registrar will contact you after you have submitted that form. If you have any questions, please contact the Counseling Office Administrative Assistant, Ms. Campbell, at 865-425-9607.
Students can check the course Canvas pages for assignments. Parents or students may also contact teachers directly to inquire about missed work when when their student is absent.
Letters of Recommendation Deadlines
The Oak Ridge High School Counseling Department has a policy of requiring three weeks’ notice for requesting letters of recommendation for college applications and scholarships. ALL TEACHERS WILL BE REQUESTING THE SAME LEAD TIME THIS YEAR AS WELL. Items needed will be explained to seniors during Senior Seminars in August. We require an updated resume and teacher comment forms in order to write recommendations. Do not miss deadlines!
Transcript Request Instructions for Former Students
Please complete the Transcript Request Form (for former students). Please note that a copy of your government issued ID is required in order for us to process your request. Once you have submitted your Transcript Request please email a copy of your Government issued ID to the Registrar at rsgarrison@ortn.edu.
Transcript Request Form (for former students)
Education Verification Requests
Education Verification for employment purposes my be requested via fax or mail. The request must be accompanied by a signed release from the Oak Ridge High School student/graduate. Please make your request attention to Ms. Garrison and allow 72 hours for processing. Education Verification requests made without a signed release from the student/graduate will not be honored. There is no charge for Education Verification.
Ms. Garrison
ORHS Counseling Office
1450 Oak Ridge Turnpike
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Fax: 865-425-9526 Attn: Ms. Garrison