Hi 4th graders and families of 4th graders,

We are looking forward to being able to be together and meet each of you soon.  As we navigate the end of this school year and begin planning for the next year, we have a couple of videos we want to share with you.  One video is an orientation to 5th grade at Robertsville, and the other video is about our classes and online registration process.  We are also including a link to a Microsoft form that we need you to complete in order to choose your elective class for next year; instructions for that are in the registration video.  One thing we failed to mention in the videos is that we have worked to add in a recess time into our 5th grade schedule.  We are excited to be able to provide this break from the academic environment, and we think this time to play, exercise, and socialize will provide an even smoother transition to middle school.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

Mrs. Tarah Sanford

RMS Counselor


Orientation Video – https://www.wevideo.com/view/1654644008

Registration Video – https://www.wevideo.com/view/1655941362

Registration Form – https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=vdNYGNb6YE61OeUm8KqiP9pTS1ljjaZJtmKn3-wk68VUN0hVNktXNlQ2SDVLTTdYSURGWVU1UThNQy4u